Cheek Augmentation

Prominent cheekbones are associated with a youthful and refreshed appearance. Unfortunately, some individuals do not have the underlying skeletal framework to create these cheekbones, which may result in a flattened or hollow-looking face. Cheek augmentation is a cosmetic procedure performed to create fuller lifted cheeks for a more attractive and youthful appearance.  Our office is 19 minutes from Downtown Atlanta and 16 minutes from Buckhead.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you believe you may be a candidate for cheek augmentation and wish to learn more, contact WalkerMD today to schedule a consultation appointment. During this appointment, you will discuss your individual cosmetic goals with Dr. Walker, and he will answer any questions regarding cheek augmentation that you may have. A specialized treatment plan will then be created to help make your aesthetic goals a reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare for cheek augmentation?

Individuals are advised to avoid blood-thinning medications and NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and Advil two weeks before surgery. Please consult your physician prior to stopping any medication.

How soon after cheek augmentation can I start exercising?

Individuals can begin light exercise as soon as they feel able to. However, strenuous activities should be avoided for at least one week. Dr. Walker will provide you with specific recovery guidelines to ensure that your cheek augmentation heals correctly for beautiful results.

Will I have to stay overnight following cheek augmentation?

Cheek augmentation is an outpatient procedure so that clients do not require an overnight stay. Following surgery, a responsible adult friend or relative will be able to drive you home.

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