
As we age, our body produces less hyaluronic acid and collagen, leading to sagging and wrinkling of the facial skin. This is combined with volume loss and remodeling changes in the face. All that leads to you looking older than you feel. Dermal fillers such as Juvéderm are a great option to help combat these signs of aging, creating a more youthful and refreshed appearance, through restoring volume for that lift we all want. As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Thomas Walker can help you achieve the look you desire, without any downtime.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are looking for a dermal filler that can take years off of your appearance for a refreshed look, Juvéderm® may be able to help! Contact our Atlanta office today to schedule your consultation appointment with double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Walker. During this time, you will be able to discuss your medical history, as well as your cosmetic goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are results of Juvéderm\u00ae temporary or permanent?

Juvéderm \u00ae consists of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally-occurring substance that our body slowly metabolizes. Therefore, results are temporary and generally last 6 to 18 months depending on which filler of the Juvéderm \u00ae family you received.

Is Juvéderm\u00ae reversible?

The nice thing about Juvéderm \u00ae and all other hyaluronic acid fillers is that the filler can be dissolved through the injection of the enzyme \u201chyaluronidase\u201d, which is an important safety and patient satisfaction consideration.

Why choose Dr. Walker for Juvéderm\u00ae treatment?

Dr. Walker, as a fellowship-trained and double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, has not only the necessary qualifications, knowledge, and skill for these procedures but his artistic eye combined with his treatment philosophy of \u201cless is more\u201d is what creates many happy clients that frequent Dr. Walker for their treatment. Most of Dr. Walker’s patients desire subtle and natural changes to look more refreshed without looking overly done.

How much does Juvéderm\u00ae cost?

Your cost for Juvéderm \u00ae treatments will vary based on the type and amount of filler utilized. Prior to your treatment, Dr. Walker will discuss a customized treatment plan with you to fit your goals and budget. A member of his team will go over pricing with you prior to the treatment.

What are complications associated with Juvéderm\u00ae?

Juvéderm \u00ae is a safe and effective way to restore a more youthful appearance. However, as with any dermal filler, there are some possible associated complications. These include bleeding, bruising, nerve damage, scarring, infection, and intravascular injection with subsequent necrosis. The best way to reduce your risk for these complications is by choosing a board-certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Walker to perform your Juvéderm \u00ae injections.

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