Jawline Contouring

When we think of conventional beauty, we often have preconceived ideas of what is attractive. In men, a strong, muscular jaw with a square chin and well-defined cheekbones are often attributes of attractiveness. In women, a symmetrical face with high cheekbones and a defined, flawlessly smooth, narrow jawline is often considered beautiful. For individuals who have a weak jawline or recessed chin, they may feel that their facial symmetry is off. Jawline contouring is a great solution to these issues for a more balanced and attractive appearance.  Walker MD is 19 minutes from Downtown Atlanta and 12 minutes from Brookhaven.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about jawline contouring, contact our office today! We will be happy to schedule your consultation with Dr. Walker, during which you will have the opportunity to discuss your individual aesthetic goals.

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