One of the most frequently asked questions that we receive regarding rhinoplasty is, “Will my sense of smell be altered by my rhinoplasty?” If you’re interested in getting rhinoplasty but have questions about potential benefits and side effects such as a change in smell, here’s what you need to know before you undergo rhinoplasty.
Will Rhinoplasty Affect My Ability to Smell?
The short answer is: maybe. A diminished smell is an extremely common, yet temporary, side effect among patients who undergo rhinoplasty. Why? When you undergo rhinoplasty, your nasal internal lining swells up, making it more difficult for your nose to detect odors (which naturally impacts your sense of taste as well). Just as if you had a cold or allergies. This is of course temporary and only persists for around four to six weeks, at a maximum, or as long as it takes for swelling to go down and your nose to return to normal. In fact, in many patients – who had nasal obstruction leading to diminished smell sensation – the ability to smell improves after rhinoplasty.
Is Permanent Loss of Smell Something I Should Worry About?
Loss of smell, which is the main concern when patients ask about how rhinoplasty affects their sense of smell, is temporary. Permanently diminished smell is extremely uncommon. You will get your sense of smell back once your post-surgery swelling has subsided after a few weeks and everything has returned to normal.
Focusing on the Benefits
Focusing only on the potential rare side effects of rhinoplasty can prevent you from getting the care you need. Many individuals view rhinoplasty as a form of plastic surgery that is performed solely for aesthetic reasons. However, this surgery can offer a wide range of benefits that will improve your overall quality of life. Many who have structural issues within the nose use rhinoplasty as a means to help them breathe better, experiencing benefits like reduced snoring, fewer sinus issues, improved sense of smell, and even better sleep. The quality of life very frequently improves after rhinoplasty, not just due to improved self-esteem but also due to real health benefits. Overall, there are a number of reasons why rhinoplasty is a surgery worth pursuing. The long list of benefits far outweigh the few side effects such as temporary loss of smell that you’ll experience when you undergo this procedure.
Contact Us
Of course, finding the right surgeon to perform your rhinoplasty can also give you the peace of mind you need knowing you’re getting the best possible care. If you’re looking for a plastic surgeon in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Walker is an excellent and caring surgeon. Get in contact with our friendly staff today to request a consultation to learn more about the process, what to expect, and how we can support you as you pursue rhinoplasty.