Rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job,” is a great option for anyone unhappy with the size or shape of their nose. Of course, as is the case with any cosmetic procedure, there are different factors to take into account if you are considering getting a rhinoplasty. There are different methods the plastic surgeon can use to sculpt your nose to its new look. An ultrasonic rhinoplasty is one of them; this is what you should know about it.
What Is an Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty?
Ultrasonic rhinoplasty uses gentle high-speed sound waves to change the shape of the nasal bones. As a result, it’s a minimally invasive and the least traumatic way to make bony cuts or shaves, which allows for least irritating the healthy surrounding tissue for less swelling after surgery (by a few days, not weeks). It is important to note, however, that the majority of rhinoplasty surgery is changing the shape of cartilage, which cannot be done by an ultrasonic device. Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is therefore somewhat of a misnomer as it lends people to believe it is the name of a surgery and therefore outcome when in fact it is merely a wonderful technique that can be used during rhinoplasty. If no bony work is required, an ultrasonic rhinoplasty, by definition, is not an option. A primary rhinoplasty usually takes 3+ hours to perform and the ultrasonic piezotome is used at most for 10 minutes of that, i.e. less than 5% of the surgical time. Labeling an entire surgery for an instrument that is used for a few minutes tends to be misleading, plus ultrasonic rhinoplasty can actually have disadvantages in some patients. Dr. Walker has the ultrasonic piezotome available in 100% of his rhinoplasty surgery and decides during surgery which technique gives you the best results while using the most minimally invasive technique. This custom-tailored approach to your needs assures his extremely high satisfaction rates, giving predictable, consistent, and long-lasting results.
Does Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Work with a Closed Procedure?
Yes, it does. It can be performed in conjunction with open or closed rhinoplasty although more commonly performed during open rhinoplasty.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty?
Certain criteria can determine whether you are a good candidate for an ultrasonic rhinoplasty. Generally, if you have a problem with bony irregularities on the bridge of your nose or wish to or need to have the nasal bones reshaped, the procedure might be appropriate for you. Of course, it’s crucial to have realistic expectations when choosing this type of surgery. You should also be in good overall health and be a non-smoker.
What to Expect with Your Recovery
Recovery time is slightly less with ultrasonic rhinoplasty compared with a traditional procedure although the difference is a few days, not weeks. Your decision to pursue surgery should not be driven by the speed of recovery (although we always want to keep downtime as low as possible) but rather by long-term results, no matter what it takes. After your treatment, you may have some swelling, bruising and tenderness, which are normal. These symptoms begin to fade after about a week. If you wear glasses, you should refrain from using them for the first few weeks after your procedure. You should be able to resume your normal activities after one week except strenuous activities, which should be avoided for two to four weeks after your ultrasonic rhinoplasty to minimize swelling. Surgery is surgery and even ultrasonic rhinoplasty cannot avoid post-surgical swelling and bruising. Be sure to carefully follow the instructions from your surgeon. This will aid in a faster recovery period.
Risks Associated with Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty
Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure, which means it carries some risks. The most common are bleeding, swelling, asymmetry and infection. However, if you undego this procedure, you have a lower risk of swelling compared with a traditional rhinoplasty. This is because it’s more gentle on surrounding soft tissues. That said, sometimes a traditional technique gives better results. The ultrasonic device is extremely precise and works on a small field. There are instances where it is “too precise” and can actually create imperfections that other techniques would have avoided. For more details, Dr. Walker can explain more in person during your concierge consultation with him. It’s important to be open and honest and talk with Dr. Walker. You should also have all the information you need about the procedure to determine whether it’s right for you.
Schedule a Consultation
If you are in or near Atlanta, Georgia and would like to have an ultrasonic rhinoplasty, visit the WalkerMD Facial Plastic Surgery website and fill out an online contact form to schedule a consultation.